








2011 - 2011 , 博士后 , 遗传学 , 美国普渡大学
2009 - 2010 , 博士后 , 遗传学 , 美国加州大学河滨分校
2007 - 2009 , 博士后 , 遗传学 , 美国康奈尔大学
2002 - 2007 , 理学博士 , 遗传学 , 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所
1998 - 2002 , 理学学士 , 生物学 , 北京师范大学






1. Sun L*., Jing Y*., Liu X*., Li Q*., Xue Z., Cheng Z., Wang D., He H., and Qian W. (2020) Heat stress-induced transposon activation correlates with 3D chromatin organization rearrangement in Arabidopsis. Nat. Commun. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15809-5. (*Contributed equally to this work)
2. Yuan W.*, Zhou J.*, Tong J.*, Zhuo W., Wang L., Li Y., Sun Q., and Qian W. (2019) ALBA protein complex reads genic R-loops to maintain genome stability in Arabidopsis. Sci. Adv. 5, eaav9040. (*Contributed equally to this work)
3. Wang X., Chen X., Sun L., and Qian W. (2019) Canonical Cytosolic Iron-Sulfur Cluster Assembly and Non-Canonical Functions of DRE2 in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet 15, e1008094.
4. Li J.*, Liang W.*, Li Y., and Qian W. (2018). APURINIC/APYRIMIDINIC ENDONUCLEASE2 and ZINC FINGER DNA 3`-PHOSPHOESTERASE Play Overlapping Roles in the Maintenance of Epigenome and Genome Stability. Plant Cell 30, 1954-1970. (*Contributed equally to this work)
5. Li Y., Kumar S., and Qian W. (2018). Active DNA demethylation: mechanism and role in plant development. Plant Cell Rep. 37, 77-85.
6. Jing Y., Sun H., Yuan W., Wang Y., Li Q., Liu Y., Li Y., and Qian W. (2016). SUVH2 and SUVH9 couple two essential steps for transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant 9, 1156-1167.