

邮箱: kaixing.huang@pku.edu.cn





硕士,农业经济管理,中国科学院研究生院, 2009–2012

本科,农学,中国农业大学, 2005–2009



2017年12月 – 2021年6月: 助理教授,南开大学 经济学院

2021年7月 – 今: 研究员,农业政策研究中心,威尼斯WWW432888



1.第一及通讯作者. 2020. "The impact of climate change on the labor allocation: Empirical evidence from China."  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. doi.org/10.1016/j.jeem.2020.102376. (SSCI,JCR一区)

2.第一作者. 2020. "Adaptation may reduce climate damage in agriculture by two thirds."  Journal of Agricultural Economics . doi:10.1111/1477-9552.12389.(SSCI,JCR一区)

3.第一作者. "Does FDI actually affect income inequality? Insights from 25 years of research."   Journal of Economic Surveys . 34:630-659. SSCI,JCR一区)

4.第一作者. 2018. "The potential benefits of agricultural adaptation to warming in China in the long run."  Environment and Development Economics . 23:1-22. SSCI,JCR二区)

5.第一作者. 2020. "Agricultural Subsidies Retard Urbanisation in China."  Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics . doi:10.1111/1467-8489.12391. SSCI,JCR二区)

6.第一及通讯作者. 2018. "Why do the econometric-based studies on the effect of warming on agriculture disagree? A meta-analysis."  Oxford Economic Papers . 70:392-416. SSCI)

7.第一作者. 2020. "Corporate social responsibility, corporate financial performance and the confounding effects of economic fluctuations: A meta-analysis."  International Review of Financial Analysis . 70:101-504. (SSCI)

8.通讯作者. 2018. "Determinants of agricultural protection in China and the rest of the world."  Asian-Pacific Economic Literature . (SSCI)

9.通讯作者. 2019. "Changes of economic structure, interest groups, and agricultural-trade protection: The case of China."  The Singapore Economic Review . (SSCI)

10.第一作者. 2013. "Domestic solid waste discharge and its determinants in rural China."  China Agricultural Economic Review . (SSCI)